
Location: Texas

Cancerversary: August 2021

Age at diagnosis: 38

Diagnosis: Squamous cell carcinoma

Stage of cancer: III

Cervivor School Graduation: 2022

How my story begins: My story began after a normal pap in September 2020. My doctor assured me there was nothing to worry about but I knew something was wrong since having my youngest daughter in 2014. I never thought it would be cancer. I suffered extremely heavy cycles but each time they would only last a few days. I expressed my concerns every single year and I've never missed a pap since the age of 18.

Appointment after appointment I was told the heaviness and clots were caused by my tubes being tied. I was finally able to have an ultrasound done and that raised a red flag so I was referred for a follow up with gynecology. Not even two minutes into the exam she stopped and told me I needed a biopsy done to check for cancer. Something in me told me it would come back positive - I don't know if it was the look on the nurse's face or how gentle she became with me but I just knew. A week later she called me with the results.

Life before my diagnosis: I was a happy go lucky mom, always on the go either working or spending time with family & friends.

How I felt after diagnosis: Crushed. I felt like my world was ending. I cried every single day. Every time I looked at my kids I cried. The thought of not seeing my babies grow up broke me. I quickly became extremely depressed.

Telling my family and friends: The first person that I told was my mom. I didn't want to tell anyone else mainly because I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me. I felt like I couldn't repeat it multiple times without breaking so I asked my mom to tell my dad and my sisters. I told a few more people that I'm very close to and after that I was done saying it. I couldn't say it anymore. I shut down completely.

My treatment: My treatment included 25 external radiation, 5 chemo sessions and 3 brachytherapy.

How I felt after treatment: Drained. I slept a lot. I stopped eating after my second week in treatment so I became very weak.

What was most difficult for me: The most difficult things for me was asking for help and not being able to take care of my kids. I did my best most days but it came to the point to where I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to be the mom they needed. It literally broke my heart.

What I did to help myself: Every morning I would listen to, "You're Gonna Get the Glory" by Tasha Cobbs because it kept me calm. On the days that I wanted to give up, it kept me focused on fighting to get the glory at the end of this battle.

I don't need to understand
God, I trust Your plan
That it's working for my good
Here I am with outstretched hands
I am confident
That it's working for my good
I don't need to understand
God, I trust Your plan
That it's working for my good
Here I am with outstretched hands
I am confident
That it's working for my good

Another verse repeats "I'm healed, I'm healed, I'm healed, I'm already healed, I'm healed, I'm healed"!

My life after cancer: Emotional. Some days are good and some days aren't so good but I'm thankful.

Where I am today: Life is different but I'm blessed to say I don't have any long term side effects so I'm back to being very active with my babies, family & friends. I live for the moment, because at any moment, it can change.

What I want other women to know: If you feel like something is wrong keep pushing until you get answers. Nobody knows your body like you!

How I will try to help others: Being supportive to anyone who is battling cancer or has a loved one battling.