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We’d love for you to become a partner or sponsor of Cervivor.

Here are some reasons that we hope will convince you to support us:
- We are a very small outfit. Your dollars make a big difference in our budget.
- We are community-based. Your contribution supports direct outreach: our volunteers reach women through community events, intimate gatherings, public service messages, and one-on-one communication.
- Our overhead is minimal. We are volunteers. You’ll find us in the District of Columbia, New York, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Florida and Tennessee. We’re reaching further all the time. Your money doesn’t sit behind a desk – it goes out to work.
- Our goal is attainable. If all girls and boys get vaccinated, and all women get screened based on guidelines, cervical cancer will be a disease of the past. We can do it!
- Cervical cancer is treatable. For women who already have cervical cancer, we provide information, support and community. We work for the best treatment for everyone.
- We leverage our message. We partner with many other organizations, both national organizations as well as local community groups. We use social media, print materials, videos, and speaking platforms to get our message out to all those who will listen!
- We put a human face on a difficult subject. All of our survivors are real women who have dealt with having HPV and/or cervical cancer. These stories are your friends, your sisters, your mom, your aunt, your grandma. We are not statistics – we are women!
- We also look for small donations. Through PayPal, we enable people of moderate means to donate to our cause. No one person or organization is expected to carry all the weight.
- Your contribution is fully tax-deductible under the law. We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization registered in Maryland.
- We can publicize major donors (or keep their names off our website). We are proud to list major contributors. On the other hand, we will also honor your wish to keep a lower profile.
If you’d like to discuss becoming a Cervivor sponsor, please contact [email protected].
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