We love the internet. We love our virtual global community of Cervivors. But nothing can take the place of a personal connection, in-person. Local Cervivor “MeetUps” provide a venue for women touched by cervical cancer to get together face-to-face, in person! Some MeetUps are over coffee and some are over tea. Some are in the morning and some after work. All are a safe, comfortable and supportive way to build connections, share stories and find support.
“Hosting a meetup is very easy and attending one is very casual. It’s an incredible feeling when you meet someone for the first time and they can empathize exactly what has happened to you and where you are currently. I don’t think we stopped talking for at least three hours!”
– Morgan, MeetUp host, Novi, MI
Find a MeetUp
Check our Upcoming Events page to see if there is an upcoming MeetUp in your area.
Host a MeetUp in your community
Host a MeetUp and help to build a supportive community of cervical cancer Cervivors in your local area. You don’t need to be an expert. You don’t even need to be an extrovert. You just need to be willing to connect with local cancer centers/gynecologic oncologists in your area, pick a gathering spot (coffee shops work great!), hang some signs (we’ll make them for you!) and share on social media. Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get you started with some hosting tips and some Cervivor freebies to give away.
MeetUp Hosting Tips
- Contact your local gynecologic oncologist, OB/GYN, and/or cancer centers to ask if they are interested in partnering for a Cervivor MeetUp.
- Select a date, time and venue.
- Complete Google Form: https://bit.ly/3A6QDHz so an event page and flyer can be created to help promote your event.
- Promote, promote, promote. Use social media, post flyers, distribute information at your local gynecologic oncology offices, OB/GYN offices, cancer centers, etc.
- Include party favors! Request Cervivor promotional items like bracelets and brochures. Also, request items from local cancer centers.
- Have a great time with your fellow Cervivors! Share pictures of your event via social media and use your hashtags: #WeAreCervivor #Cervivor #CervivorMeetUp #EndCervicalCancer
MeetUps In Action
“I always look forward to being around other Cervivors, even though it means reliving and talking through a terrible time in my life. It’s a safe haven to be able to share with someone else your experience and then end a sentence with, ‘You know what I mean.’ This doesn’t happen anywhere else in my life, even with such a supportive network of friends, families, and coworkers. We’ve all been through the same war together, and it’s so cathartic to be able to talk about our battle scars.” – Kate, MeetUp host, Boston, MA
“I was really nervous about hosting my first meetup. I tried to publicize as much as I could and did so at two local oncology facilities. Even though only one other Cervivor was there, I still feel it was a success. We were able to talk about our cancer stories and share both struggles and triumphs.” – Ana, Meet Up host, Palo Alto, California
“Meeting up with a fellow Cervivor sisters reminds me that I’m not in this fight alone.” – Keziah, MeetUp host, Seattle, Washington