
Location: Michigan

Age at diagnosis: 31

Diagnosis: Squamous cell carcinoma

Stage of cancer: II

How my story begins: The week of my husband's birthday, I started bleeding and passed a couple of blood clots that were bigger than his fist. My period wasn't normal and I had passed out a couple times. I let this go on for 3 days and finally ended up in the emergency room. I had lost over half my blood volume and had to have 3 blood transfusions. They thought I hadn't passed a miscarriage and took me for an emergency d&c. That's when they found the tumor and did a biopsy. I had my follow-up on September 11, 2015 and got my cancer diagnosis.

How I felt after diagnosis: I was mad that I had cancer. I was mad that my doctors prior to this had let me fall through the cracks. I was devastated that I'd never be able to have children.

Telling my family and friends: Telling my mom and nieces was the hardest. We lost my brother 13 years prior to Cystic Fibrosis.

My treatment: I did six weeks of radation everyday, six chemo infusions and two internal radation therapies.

How I felt after treatment: Glad to be done with treatment.

What was most difficult for me: Treatment, not being able to work.

What I did to help myself: Exercise and I'm now seeing a counslor for my depression.

My life after cancer: I'm not sure about life after cancer. I'll let you know when I get there

Where I am today: I'm still dealing with my cancer and side effects everyday. I had to have my gallbladder removed due to radation damage. I'm making progess and trying to figure out who I am now.

What I want other women to know: That it's not the end of your story. There's so much to live for and if people don't like the new you, you don't need that kind of negitivity in your life.

How I will try to help others: I decided to start the MI chapter of Voices of Teal to help educate and raise awareness!