Only Cervical Cancer Has Prevention & Detection Tools


Location: Massachusetts

Diagnosis: Cervical cancer (unspecified)

Stage of cancer: I

How my story begins: I never thought it would be me. I went for my Pap – like I had done since I was 18 – but this time it was different…they had me come back, I had some more pieces looked at, and then I got the phone call…

My diagnosis: Stage IB cervical cancer with extensive lymphatic invasion

My treatment: Ten days after my diagnosis, I had a hysterectomy. One month later, a laparoscopic surgery. One week after that, 5 weeks of daily pelvic radiation with 4 rounds of chemotherapy, followed by 3 rounds of internal radiation. Then I was done.

How I felt: I was sad and mad and confused… Everything I knew was different. I thought I was no longer me and never would be. BEFORE cancer, I liked to sing. I liked to hang with my friends. I had energy. Everything was BEFORE cancer, and now I was AFTER… and it would never be the same.

What I did to help myself and others: I found my voice. I started to sing and to talk and to SCREAM because I realized I had something to SAY! I didn’t know anything about cervical cancer before I had it. But I learned and then I wanted to share with EVERYone. I got friends to come and sing and play piano and help me spread the word: CERVICAL CANCER IS PREVENTABLE! I took my singing show on the road and called it The YELLOW UMBRELLA Tour…. and now I just keep on singing and talking to ANYone who will listen!

Why I continue to share my message: Because we CAN prevent this cancer. Cervical cancer is the ONLY cancer where we have PREVENTION and DETECTION tools. We need to use them to save fertility, to save women from disease, and to save lives!

Christine’s websites: and