
Cancerversary: July 2016

Age at diagnosis: 30

Diagnosis: Recurrent survivor

Stage of cancer: IB2

How my story begins: In 2016, I started to have abnormal bleeding, followed by an abnormal pap smear. The gynecologist at the time, suggest that I undergo a LEEP procedure, based off of her findings. She warned me, that the cells she found were precancerous, but that it was unlikely to be full blown cancer. I received a call from her about 12 hours later, with the diagnosis.

I can still picture that exact moment. My husband, children and I were sitting around the table playing a board game. The call came through and I took it, not thinking it was a call to inform me of the cancer diagnosis. I remember silently mouthing "I have cancer", to my husband, so that the children couldn't hear. Shortly thereafter, I was set to have a Radical Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with lymph node removal. I recovered well and was cleared of cancer.

Until I wasn't....

2018 rolls around and I find myself battling cancer, for the second time. This time they found cancer throughout my abdomen, one spot causing more problems than the others. This led to chemotherapy, radiation and many other procedures.

My treatment: My treatment started in 2016, when I had a radical laparoscopic hysterectomy, with a removal of the surrounding lymph nodes. In 2018, I battled a re-occurrence, which led to "sandwich" therapy. This therapy included 8 rounds of Cisplatin and 35 rounds of radiation. In addition, I have had many other procedures and surgeries, from cancer related complications.

Where I am today: Today, I still struggle in some areas. These areas include bone density issues, kidney, bladder, bowel dysfunction, postmenopausal hormone therapy. Even though these struggles can be frustrating, I still try to thrive and enjoy every moment. I graduate with a bachelor's degree in a few months and will continue on to my master's degree, shortly thereafter.

I currently work for a mental health clinic, as a Practice Group Manager. I have the privilege, of serving in leadership, in three different clinics. Due to my cancer experience, I have fostered a sense of empathy, that I don't think I would have had otherwise. Cancer sucks to say the least but holding on to hope has brought me to this point and I feel like I am thriving more, as time goes on.

What I want other women to know: TAKE CARE OF YOU!
- Take care of your mental health. Reach out to a mental health professional.
- Take care of your physical health. Move your body. Good blood flow is important for your physical and mental health.
- Eat cancer fighting foods!
- Spend time outdoors!

How I will try to help others: I am here to answer any questions or concerns in regard to cervical cancer. I want everyone to have a safe place and person to talk to about this. No one should battle cancer alone!