
Location: Maryland

Cancerversary: May 2014

Age at diagnosis: 45

Diagnosis: Cervical cancer (unspecified)

Stage of cancer: II

How my story begins: Right after Christmas 2013 when you are supposed to be filled with joy, I received that dreaded call from my gynecologist..."You have cervical cancer." All of the holiday "joy" was suddenly gone!

How I felt after diagnosis: I was very I going to die?

Telling my family and friends: Telling my family and friends was hard but considering they are the BEST, I knew that I would have support from all directions!!

My treatment: I had a radical hysterectomy on January 14, 2014. Four weeks later, I began radiation and chemotherapy. I finished all treatment in May.

How I felt after treatment: It was such a relief to ring the bell!

What was most difficult for me: Most difficult was worrying about my kids and grandkids. Because of cancer, I missed the birth of my second grandchild.

What I did to help myself: I always tried to remain positive.

Where I am today: I have CT scans every 6 months and let's just say I fight panic attacks about a week before.

What I want other women to know: Please listen to your body.... I had never had an abnormal Pap test.

How I will try to help others: I talk about my story to anyone that will listen.