
Cancerversary: January 2021

Age at diagnosis: 27

Diagnosis: Adenocarcinoma

Stage of cancer: III

Cervivor School Graduation: 2023

How my story begins: My cancer story begins unfortunately after months and years of desperately trying to find answers as to why I had so much pain, bloating, heavy bleeding. You know, the basic warning signs of gynecological cancers.

I was a young, married female with no children in a small college town and was not being taken seriously. It wasn't until I found a specialist out of state and wrote a lengthy email to him pleading my case and begging that he would accept me and agree to see me. Thank God he did. I had my first bad pap in December 2020 after not having a pap for three years. After that abnormal pap, I had a couple of surgeries, including a colposcopy and radical hysterectomy and soon after begin treatment.

That was my first fight.

My recurrence story, begins 364 days from the day of my last treatment. I had awful leg pain and swelling to the point I couldn't walk up the stairs. I went to the ER, they completed a scan which unfortunately showed recurrence of eight tumors from my shoulders to my leg so back to treatment I go.

How I felt after diagnosis: After diagnosis, after the initial shock wore off, I oddly felt some relief. I finally had answers. We finally knew what was going on and now can begin to treat it. After hearing I had a recurrence not even a year later, I felt like a true gut punch. I could not even fathom what I was hearing. All I knew was there was no way I wasn't going to fight with all I had.

My treatment: For my first occurrence I was given four rounds of Cisplatin chemotherapy and 25 radiation treatments to the pelvis with two rounds of brachytherapy. For my recurrence battle, I was on six rounds of Taxol/Carboplatin and Avastin chemotherapy. Once that was completed, I remained on maintenance chemo for over a year and finally finishing in July 2023.

What was most difficult for me: How fast it all changes. As soon as I got that diagnosis it was full speed ahead without a moment to breathe. your entire world has just been flipped upside down. I'm still trying to find my way out of the dust.

What I did to help myself: Prayer, meditation, coloring books, Cervivor podcasts, online support communities and I began advocating for other women!

Where I am today: Today I have been officially declared NED a second time! Woohoo!

What I want other women to know: Get your pap EVERY year. Do NOT wait every three years. Get the HPV vaccine for yourself and your children if you are able to. Advocate for yourself and your own health! Don't take no for an answer. If you know something is wrong, keep pushing until you get some answers and a medical team that listens to you.

How I will try to help others: By being a Cervivor. Spreading awareness and facts is so desperately needed to save other young women!