International Women’s Day

At Cervivor, it is International Women’s Day everyday but today we raise our voices just a little louder for this global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This day means different things to different people, but the global focus on equality and celebration is clear. Started in the early 1900’s, the almighty and tenacious Suffragettes forged purposeful action for equality. It was the Suffragettes who started International Women’s Day, with the first officially named event held in 1911. To this day, it continues to be a powerful platform globally that unifies tenacity and drives action for gender parity, while celebrating the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women.

Cervivor is proud to be an organization founded on the determination and strength of Tamika Felder. We are for women, by women.

It’s our stories. It’s our voices. It’s our day.

-Team Cervivor

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