September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month - Cervivor It is estimated that 95,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with one of the five gynecologic cancers this year. Of those 95,000 approximately 28,700 will die. Gynecologic cancers don’t discriminate. No woman is immune. We are raising awareness all month about the cancers below the belt – the ones that we don’t always want to discuss – but that we should be aware of all the same. Often times, since women don’t want to discuss these private matters, they don’t bring up symptoms with their doctor if they make it to the doctor at all. But early detection and screening is the key to prevention. Your check-up could save your life. It’s our hope that this month we will be able to spark more conversations and get people talking. We strongly believe that MORE discussion will lead to more women confidently asking questions in the doctor’s office, and more informed patients requesting annual pelvic exams and other screenings. It is our hope that more discussion will lead to fewer women getting diagnosed, and fewer loved ones lost. Help us raise awareness this month. Please share our campaign with the women in your life!

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