Your Well Woman Exam

If You Only Keep One Resolution This Year, Make it Your Well Woman Exam!

We all have excuses.

“I’m too busy.”

“It’s so uncomfortable.”

“I have to find a new doctor.”


You know what you’re too busy for? Surgery.

You know what’s uncomfortable? A chest port.

You know what doctor you don’t want to need? An oncologist.


Cervical cancer kills 4,000 women a year, and as many as 93% of cervical cancer cases could be prevented by screening and HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination. Plain and simple, getting your annual pap smear (and an HPV test) could save your life! Your well-woman exam takes less than 15 minutes, and it is the single most effective way to detect early-stage abnormalities. You spend more time in the checkout line at the grocery store, so what are you waiting for?!

Even if you’ve only had one partner your entire life, even if you’ve never had an STD, HPV doesn’t discriminate, and the strains that cause cancer have no symptoms. The only way to know you’re at risk is an annual visit to the stirrups, so get it on your calendar now. Whatever your excuse is… just do it!

We all have #storiesfromthestirrups – fun stories, scary stories (maybe even some wild stories!)… no one likes to go out and get it done, but we have to leave our discomfort at the door. Make this year the year you put your health first.

Encourage other women to keep their well-woman exam resolution by sharing your#storiesfromthestirrups in the comments section below!

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