10 thoughts on “Cervical Cancer Survivors Train for Advocacy at “Cervivor School”

    1. Hi Kelly. We have not announced the date and location of our next Cervivor School yet. Stay tuned, as we are looking to make that announcement in early 2019! We would love for you to apply.

      1. I have not heard any information about the next cervivor school. My friend is a survivor of cervical cancer and is very interested in attending. Did you have one in 2019? And, is there a plan to do it in 2020?

  1. Just a totally random question
    My son is accepted to PSU this coming fall
    I was wondering if there are any scholarships for Chldren of cancer survivors or etc…

    1. Cervivor School is our patient advocacy training. You can sign up for our newsletter on the homepage of Cervivor.org. Thanks!

  2. When is a Cervivor school going to be in the part of Florida I’m in? I want.to attend one very much
    Thank you!!

    -Jessica Howe

  3. Hello
    First of all my support and love to all newly diagnosed and also survivors. I am a Nurse/Mother/Cancer Survivor from Canada . I like to stay educated and research , read lots to be better informed in many areas of health . I am also a Survivor of “ Uterine Sarcoma” , but never knew how to decide that type it fit in “ Cervical, Endometrial” as I was told my type was rare , poorer prognosis and I had to research on my own and be my own advocate to finally get diagnosed. To say that I am still here 12 years later from another Country is for you all to believe , fight , advocate and bring knowledge by Woman/For Woman. To see that “ Cervical&Survivorship” was brought together to a name “ Cervivor” ,with myself just researching that I never saw – makes more sense to my continued journey of health and wellness . I would be proud to wear one of your T-shirts to feel close to what I went through and still go through . Could you please let me know if there is another date soon or next year for the Advocacy School to attend and also where to purchase a “ Cervivor” T-shirt “ I have signed up for newsletters and will follow videos and current news. Love from Canada .
    Stay Strong, Mary Anne.

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