Advocacy. It’s thankless. It’s tiring. At times, it’s brutal. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Our work is necessary and it makes a difference. Without it, we wouldn’t be the first to go down in history as the first cure for cancer. Do you understand how important that is? Cancer cure. Every single thing we do individually takes us to a much bigger win collectively.
This weekend, I will speak at the National Race to End Women’s Cancer here in D.C., along with other women’s cancer champions, like Camille Grammer, on why our advocacy is so important. The Foundation for Women’s Cancer has been such a wonderful partner to Cervivor over the years and our work together can only continue to gain momentum as we fight to end all women’s cancers.
Here’s why we do it:
- 98,000 American women will be diagnosed with a GYN Cancer this year, and almost 30,000 — nearly a third — will die.
- Due to the lack of early screening tools (except for cervical cancer, for which there is HPV and PAP testing) women with these “below the belt” reproductive cancers — cervical, endometrial/uterine, ovarian, vaginal and vulvar — are often diagnosed in the late stages of disease and too many have poorer outcomes.
- Far too few women recognize the symptoms, which rise with weight, age and other factors, including heredity.
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer urges all women to:
- LEARN the symptoms
- LISTEN to their bodies
- ACT by seeking care from a gynecologic oncologist, because research shows women have better outcomes when treated by these specialists who have 7 additional years of training.
You still have time to join the race or donate to the cause. Go to for more information.
— Tamika