Breathe in Self-love, Exhale Gratitude

These words will be in the forefront of my mind as I continue through Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.  We welcomed Deb Jennings of Sounds for the Soul to lead us in our first Self-Care Sunday session. It was a self-guided meditation with singing bowls, flutes, and chimes. I’ve had some experience with meditation and used to practice it quite frequently. However, like most things in 2020, I fell out of habit.

Starting the session, I was eager, slightly nervous, yet super excited. I haven’t hosted many virtual events in my lifetime. I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to relax but I would quickly be proven wrong. In fact, I was not expecting my body to react the way it did in today’s session. 

Deb started in with her singing bowl and what felt like a gentle nudge into a guided meditation. A few minutes passed by as we were breathing in a self-love affirmation and breathing out another affirmation of gratitude.There were several pitches and frequencies starting to awaken my heart and my mind. My body was resting. I was overcome by a chill as we welcomed in the helping energy of our higher selves. It was then I heard the sound of a flute and a beautiful song voice. The mantra stated, “I release control and surrender to the flow of love that will heal me.” It was exactly what I needed in that moment. I felt the tears welling up, pooling, then releasing a stream ever so gently down my face. Relief, probably the first I have felt that in many months and I’m not the only one.

Re’gina, a cervical cancer survivor located in Wisconsin shares, “This session also allowed me to remember a place I loved as a child, fond memory of San Bernardino mountains, Lyttle creek, pine trees, river rocks and mountain water… ahh. I’ll be keeping this memory alive for future meditation and happy placeness.”

Lorie, another cervical cancer survivor located in Michigan shares, “Her soothing voice, emotive language, and sound bowls brought me to a place of peace, so much so that I liked her page immediately when the session ended. The moderator and guide made my morning more peaceful.”

As you can see, spiritual things are felt and experienced when we give ourselves permission to receive those messages. Some trigger a release of emotions we didn’t know were even there. We cannot ignore the incredible messages embedded into Deb’s guided meditation, the ones that resonated with our community were anywhere from self-love and gratitude to forgiveness and healing and last but not least, leaning into our community for support.

Sunday evening proved to be yet another important lesson in self-care, love, and gratitude for many who attended. Cervical cancer survivor and yoga/meditation teacher, Tara Casagrande, led a candlelight foot scrub and meditation.  It was the perfect way to round out a self-care Sunday.

Tara’s words were effective.  She explained the root chakra and its connection to the area where the cervix is located.  Tara emphasized how this small act of self-compassion could have a lasting impact.  She taught us how to appreciate the relationship between one’s self and their feet.  It was imperative to understand just how much work they’ve been through in the past year.  This was a moment to give appreciation and gratitude for them. 

Tamika, Cervivor founder and 19-year survivor, described the sensory experience from the texture of the scrub, to the warmth and the wetness of the water, and then catching the sweet, familiar scent of vanilla. She is adding the mantra of the evening into her daily affirmations: “I feel safe.  I’m at home in my body.”

Tasha, a cervical cancer survivor in Florida, stated how before the COVID pandemic hit, it was a regular thing for her and her daughter to go have spa days.  She has made a goal to practice the self-care routine once a week with her daughter using the recipe provided.  She also enjoyed playing some smooth jazz while unwinding during the event.  In her own words, “I love it!”

Emily, a cervical cancer survivor in Iowa says, “I didn’t have the ingredients for this scrub tonight, but I went through the motions anyways and it felt like a foot massage. Connecting with my feet and my toes, it felt good. A few weeks from now when I’m with my parents, I can see my mom and I sitting on the edge of the bathtub and doing this together as a little foot massage/girl time.”

Self-care is not selfish. In fact, without experiences like this to make us more self-aware, we often jeopardize our health and well-being while running ourselves ragged. Most of us that know how hard we can be on our own self.  We can be our own worst critics, but we need to allow some grace.  We see the incredible emotional support we receive every day within our community, and we want to encourage all of us to take it a step further. Let’s hold each other accountable in developing good habits including self-care.  

Stay tuned as we have more opportunities throughout the month of January with our Wellness Wednesdays and our virtual Pap Rally & Run. Join us and treat yourself to some self-care!

Morgan Newman is a metastatic cervical cancer survivor, a Cervivor Ambassador, the 2018 Cervivor Champion recipient, 2019 Iowa American Cancer Society Action Network advocate and the 2020 Advocate of the Year by Above & Beyond Cancer.

Creating New Habits Instead of Resolutions

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? I used to, but then I just got tired of just not sticking to it and giving it up all together after the first month.

We have to acknowledge that there are people out there that keep their resolutions throughout the year and are successful. However, statistics show that even though millions of Americans make resolutions, less than 8% actually stick to them.

Therefore, we are going to stick to small changes. Changes that are actually achievable while we are working on our consistency muscle. The more you are consistent and succeed, the greater confidence in your ability to do it again. It actually helps you grow the belief that you can do it.  

I am inviting you to join our first challenge of the 2021 on Survivor Slimdown. Survivor Slimdown is a Facebook group open to ALL CANCER SURVIVORS. It is a space for inspiration, motivation and accountability as we learn to navigate our way to health.  Also, join me for a virtual workout on Wednesday, January 6th. Register for free here: 

The January challenge consists of creating new habits. Over time, patterns form both in behavior and in the brain. This can make it difficult to break a habit or even to form new ones. Therefore, we will start easy and we will succeed. 

As a group, we will work on two habits for the month, but if you want to add a third one on your own please do – just remember to make it small, sustainable, specific and achievable. We will stick to these actions for the 31 days in January.  We will use the habit tracker and cross each day for accountability. Our mantra for the month is “NEVER MISS TWICE.”

Habit 1

Drink an 8oz. glass of water after waking up and before having any food and/or coffee.

Drinking water in the morning will help you kick-start your metabolism.  Staying hydrated helps your body start to burn calories faster, which is vital when you are trying to shed body fat. Even if you are not looking to lose any body fat, hydrating the body brings many health benefits. 

Habit 2

Move your body for 10 minutes a day.  If you get to do more than 10 minutes great, but the minimum is 10 minutes. (Walk, dance, ride your bike, stretch, etc.)  Stay true to yourself.  

Moving is the best medicine for the body and the mind. It strengthens your muscles, which improves stability, balance and coordination. Stretching maintains muscle health as well. Movements help build more durable and denser bones.

Habit 3

The third habit is your choice. It cannot be something that you already do in your daily routine. Some examples of the third habit can be:

  • Wake up an hour earlier than usual
  • Meditate for 5-10 minutes in the morning
  • Add a veggie to each meal you eat
  • Make your bed after you get up – if you are not doing this already
  • Go to bed at a specific time at night
  • Chew your food 22 times before swallowing
  • Journal on a daily basis for 31 days
  • Read 10 pages every day of the book you have been wanting to read
  • Write three things you are grateful for every day
  • Say a daily affirmation
  • Learn a new word every day

The above are examples of small habits but you can choose any habit that aligns to your master goal.

Remember, if you want to drink more than 8oz of water in the morning before food or coffee you can. If you want to move more than 10 minutes a day you can. The concept is for your habit to be achievable and not get too overwhelmed. When we feel overwhelmed, we tend to quit. Quitting is not an option.  

Let us start this year with a successful month by sticking to these small and achievable habits. We got this!

Patti is a Cervivor Ambassador and Cervivor’s Wellness Instructor who manages our Survivor Slimdown Facebook group. She is a retired NYPD police officer and an 11 year cervical cancer survivor. She resides in NYC with her husband of 21 years where she’s a Group Fitness Instructor and a Health Advocate.