Give Today For #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a glob day of giving. Today only, Facebook and PayPal will match donations up to a total of $7 million. We need your support to continue our work of eliminating cervical cancer. Our work changes the lives of those impacted by cervical cancer. Will you donate today to help us continue this important work.

Our community is the heart of our organization. Cervivor Ambassador Morgan shares how we helped her find her place.


“Finding My Place” 

Dear Friend,

There is nothing worse than hearing the words, “You have cancer.”  This is hard for anyone and it is especially hard to hear at the age of 24.  

There is something special about finding a community after surviving this disease not once but two times.  This community is available thanks to caring folks like you.  I hope you’ll take the time to read my story – it might even save the life of someone you love.  I’m not a fundraiser, I’m a cervical cancer survivor.  

I was your typical twenty-something just starting her life out.  I went in for my yearly well-woman exam.  I never missed my preventive visits.  The doctor’s office called me to let me know my Pap test came back abnormal for the very first time.  I went through several tests only to be referred on to an oncologist.  It was then that I received those three life-changing words, “You have cancer.”  My family and I were shocked and scared.

I went through treatment including chemotherapy and radiation.  I made it through all of it and at a routine scan appointment they told me there were suspicious lesions in my lungs.  More tests were done, and a recurrence of cervical cancer was confirmed.  Chemotherapy was started once again and after five long months I was considered all clear from treatment.

I never thought I would out live that second round of cancer but I’m glad I did.  I found an incredible community where I fit in.  Cervivor has given me the gift of using my experience to help others.  I have gained credible knowledge from various professionals to educate and prevent this disease for future generations to come.  

Today, I have purpose in life after cancer.  I have remained in a no evidence of disease diagnosis.  I’ve been given the gift of Cervivor to share my story and make a difference.  I’ve had the opportunity to sit on discussion panels to educate providers from a survivor’s point-of-view.  I’ve lobbied on Capitol Hill to ensure we have proper screening guidelines, and I’ve incorporated the knowledge I gained from Cervivor School of the human papillomavirus (HPV) into my career as a dental assistant.  I feel extremely fortunate to represent Cervivor!

I’m hoping you will join me in helping to provide this same support for women like me.  Please send a gift to Cervivor today so we can educate and prevent this disease.  As a cervical cancer patient who almost lost her life twice, I can tell you that your contribution will make an impact on others.  You will give them an incredible gift.


Morgan S. Newman

2x Cervical Cancer Survivor 

Cervivor Ambassador

Cervivor Champion 2018

Donate to Morgan’s #GivingTuesday fundraiser today via Facebook or directly on our website via PayPal.

Your donation supports our entire community of cervical cancer patients and survivors – a place where we provide learning tools, advocacy resources, and an online community for women who are looking to network and thrive. Some women will choose to connect for sisterhood, while others will choose to become advocates for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. We are working hard every day for these women who need our support now more than ever.
In fact, to date, Cervivor has:
  • Supported 206 women through our Cervivor School program
  • Held 10 Cervivor Schools, our most recent having taken place in Cape Cod this past September
  • Ambassadors in 7 countries, with more being added after each Cervivor School
  • Supported, inspired, and empowered 10,000+ women via our online platforms
This year alone, 13,000+ women in the US will be diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer; and 528,000 worldwide. Even though cervical cancer is now fully preventable through vaccination and regular health screenings, more than 4,000 women in the US and 266,000 globally will die this year of cervical cancer. For us here at Cervivor, that’s 4,000 women too many. Through education and advocacy, we hope to be the generation to end cervical cancer. With your continued support, we believe we can do just that.
Thank you once again for your friendship, your donation, and for supporting the mission of Cervivor.


Being a full-fledged Cervivor

I pulled into the parking lot of the Cancer Support Center in Indianapolis one icy January morning, with butterflies in my stomach. My social anxiety was on full-blown high alert as I sat in the car, staring at the building where other cervical cancer survivors were gathering for a Cervivor School event. I took deep breaths. I counted. I wished it wasn’t too early for a stiff drink. But I gathered my courage and walked in. And I haven’t looked back since.

After my whirlwind bout with cervical cancer in 2014, life went back to normal… for everyone else. I tried to find that normal that everyone else so easily slipped back into, but it eluded me. I pushed cancer, and the baggage that came with it, to the back of my mind. I left the online cancer groups that supported me during my diagnosis. I let my cancer blog grow cold and stopped giving updates. I tried to ignore the fears of recurrence that lurked beneath the surface. I tried to hide my tears as I lie awake at night, thinking of the children I so desperately wanted but could no longer carry. I smiled and stayed busy, searching for a normal that doesn’t exist after a cancer diagnosis.

Then one day, with my 2-year cancerversary quickly approaching, I received a Facebook message from Erica, a fellow cervical cancer survivor. She friended me and invited me to an upcoming Cervivor School in Indianapolis. I was hesitant, but intrigued by the thought of meeting other survivors face to face. I decided to give it a try, reassuring myself that Indianapolis was only a few hours from home and I could easily leave if I felt uncomfortable there.

That first Cervivor School I attended was a small, intimate gathering of cervical cancer survivors and caregivers. The other women shared their stories and, for the first time, I shared pieces of mine. Until that day, I hadn’t thought much about my cancer story and how it is intrinsically woven into the fabric of my life. I had spent so much time trying to ignore it, that I was overwhelmed with relief when I was able to finally talk about my experiences. I saw my story reflected in the eyes of the other women who had walked the same path as I. We laughed. We cried. We learned about the medical side of cervical cancer and HPV, and about effective advocacy. I asked questions, and got answers. I let my guard down, and found a sisterhood that filled a hole in my heart I didn’t even know existed. For the first time, I didn’t feel quite so alone. 

I went on to attend another Cervivor School in Charleston, SC and helped plan and attended one in Louisville, KY. I’m so grateful to have had these opportunities and look forward to attending the next school in Florida in June. I learn new things at every Cervivor School and enjoy spending time with other women who truly “get it”. It has not only helped me learn the skills and strategies I need to be an effective advocate for the eradication of cervical cancer, it has also helped me heal. I recognize the personal growth I’ve experienced over the past year and a half, from struggling to accept my identity as a cancer survivor to being a full-fledged Cervivor.

Read Jessica’s Cervivor story here: