Within the Cervivor community we talk a lot about feeling like our cervical cancer doesn’t have the visibility that breast cancer has. But it takes a village, a global voice, to make even the smallest impact. And it does not happen overnight.

As Lead Cervivor Ambassador, I want to elevate the voices within our below-the-belt club. I want you to know how important your personal story fits into Cervivor’s mission to end cervical cancer. I have the pleasure to chair this years Cervical Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) Planning Committee and I cannot be more proud of the work this team has done for this community. January gives us an entire month to educate about the importance of cervical cancer prevention and splash our social media channels teal & white!

Collectively, we are the catalyst needed for change and change takes every voice and everyone’s action. This month we are creating a platform for you to build upon; to get people talking about cervical cancer awareness and prevention. Our CCAM committee has gone above and beyond to make January 2021 the best ever!
There are so many amazing events I am excited for this month. We truly have something for everyone. Since 2020 gave me more time at home, I started incorporating more fitness into my daily life so the fact that we are hosting a virtual Pap Rally & Run has got me pumped up!
I’m always up for talking about the more intimate side of cervical cancer and how that effects us. Sexy Saturday discussions will be filled with all the stuff we love to talk about with those who completely ‘get it’.
Be sure to check out our January CCAM calendar and participate with us all month long. We need you and your Cervivor Spark! Engage in conversations on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest and share Cervivor’s content throughout the month.
At Cervivor, our CCAM mission is clear, make January Cervivor’s month to shine and showcase how we will #EndCervicalCancer. I hope you join us and help us spread the word. Ending cervical cancer is within our reach — especially when we work together.