How Cervivor is Making a Difference

At Cervivor, we believe that advocacy is a crucial step towards creating change and improving the lives of those affected by cervical cancer. Our community members are empowered to make a difference through various advocacy levels, from individual to policy-level efforts. In this blog post, we’ll highlight examples of how Cervivor has participated in different types of advocacy.

Individual or Self Advocacy

  • Sharing personal stories and experiences to raise awareness about cervical cancer and its impact.

  • Encouraging friends and family to get screened for cancer and vaccinated against HPV.
  • Educating those impacted by cervical cancer to:
    • Seek a second opinion when needed.
    • To be aware of and engage in shared decision-making with their healthcare providers to ensure informed and empowered medical choices.

Organizational and Community Advocacy

  • Partnering with cancer and health-mission organizations to amplify our message and expand our reach.
  • Collaborating with healthcare providers to improve access to cervical cancer screening, vaccination, treatment, and survivorship phases throughout the continuum of care.

  • Organizing local events and fundraisers to support cervical cancer awareness.
  • Building relationships with community leaders to promote education and screening initiatives like our Black Cervix Chat and #Screen4Me. 

Policy and Legislative Advocacy

  • Supporting legislation that funds research and education initiatives related to cervical cancer.
  • Creating awareness through city and state awareness proclamations.

  • Advocating for policies that increase access to cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination like Representative Kathy Castor’s “PREVENT HPV Cancers Act” in 2021 and again with its expansion in 2023.
  • Leading the discussion at the Biden Cancer Moonshot White House Cervical Cancer Forum during Cervical Cancer Awareness Month (and beyond) to:
    • Raise awareness about the importance of education, prevention, early detection, and treatment.
    • Spur action among policymakers, healthcare providers, and the general public to prioritize cervical cancer prevention and care.

Support Advocacy

  • Creating a safe and supportive community for individuals to share their experiences and connect with others through various intersectionalities. 

Through these various levels of advocacy, Cervivor is making a tangible impact in the mission to end cervical cancer. By empowering our community members to take action, we are creating a ripple effect of change that will ultimately lead to a future where cervical cancer is a thing of the past. Won’t you join us in our mission to make a difference?

Amplifying Voices for a Cervical Cancer-Free Future

As we closed out National Cancer Survivors Month in June, Cervivor launched its own Patient Advocacy Month in July serving as a critical initiative that fuels our mission to end cervical cancer. This dedicated month highlights the significance of patient advocacy and empowers survivors, thrivers, and community supporters to join forces in the mission to end this preventable disease.

Patient advocacy is the backbone of the Cervivor organization. It’s the passion and dedication to ensuring that patients’ voices are heard, their needs are met, and their rights are respected. It’s about creating a platform for patients and survivors to share their stories, receive support, and access necessary resources. Patient advocacy is the catalyst for change, driving policy reforms, research advancements, and community engagement.

Patient advocacy is vital because it:

  • Humanizes the Statistics: Behind every cervical cancer diagnosis, there’s a face, a story, and a family. Patient advocacy puts a personal touch on the numbers, reminding us that every life and every story matters.
  • Breaks Down Barriers: Advocacy helps bridge gaps in healthcare access, education, and support, ensuring that no one faces cervical cancer alone.
  • Drives Progress: By amplifying patient voices, we push for innovative research, improved treatment options, and evidence-based policies.
  • Cultivates Community: Patient advocacy builds a network of patients, survivors, thrivers, and supporters, creating a safe space for connection, healing, education, and empowerment.

This Patient Advocacy Month, we invite you to:

  • Share Your Story: Write, post, or video-share your experience with cervical cancer or your support for the cause.
  • Wear Teal and White: Show your solidarity by donning teal and white attire, accessories, or ribbons. Bonus points if you join us on Tuesdays throughout the month (or year). Use hashtags #Cervivor #CervicalCancer #TealandWhiteTuesday.
  • Get Involved: Participate in local events, fundraisers, or awareness campaigns.
  • Fundraise or Donate: Support Cervivor’s mission and programs, helping us amplify patient voices and create a cervical cancer-free future.

This month, we’ll rise as a collective force, ensuring that every individual affected by cervical cancer receives the support, resources, and care they deserve. Join us in this critical effort, and let’s make a difference – one voice at a time.

Get involved today and help us create a future where no one faces cervical cancer alone!