Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month as a Cervivor

As cervical cancer survivors, we advocate to bring more awareness to cervical cancer and all gynecologic cancers. Our cancers do not have the same visibility as breast cancer but there was a time when breast cancer was not talked about, let alone celebrated.

It was the work of Nancy G. Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen® who really changed the narrative of breast cancer and started the ‘pink revolution’. When Ms. Brinker spoke to our 2018 Cervivor School attendees, she shared with us how it was an uphill battle to bring visibility to a ‘woman’s cancer’, a taboo subject that was only whispered about. She persisted and today we see the positive outcome of her work; the glass ceiling she broke through for others to follow.

We know that we still have so much work to do to bring this kind of recognition to cervical cancer but what’s important to remember is that above and below the belt cancers all take so much away from us – breasts, reproductive organs, cervixes, vaginas, and so much more. We may struggle with redefining our womanhood and we carry our physical and emotional scars with us beyond our cancer diagnosis and treatment.

These cancers change us forever.

As women, we fight hard every day for equality; to have a seat at the table, to be heard. We should be able to look to each other for support, especially when it comes to our bodies.

We are all in the cancer club regardless of what color our awareness ribbon reflects.

Today, more than ever, is the time to come together and advocate for women’s health. Every month. Every day. We can support our breast cancer friends this month and come January, just like in September, these friends will be sharing and supporting our message of cervical cancer prevention, helping us paint the world teal and white.

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