Empowering Lives: Cervivor, Inc. Stands Strong on International HPV Awareness Day

Today, on International HPV Awareness Day, Cervivor, Inc. stands united with individuals, organizations, researchers, providers, and communities worldwide to raise awareness about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and its link to cervical cancer.

As patient advocates for cervical cancer awareness, we believe that education, the empowerment of survivor stories, routine screenings, and vaccination are key elements in the global mission to end cervical cancer. We celebrate the progress made and shed light on the collaborative efforts aimed at eliminating HPV-related cancers.

Education as a Shield Against HPV

Education serves as a powerful tool in the prevention of HPV and its associated cancers. At Cervivor, Inc., we emphasize the importance of understanding the risks, transmission, and consequences of HPV. By cultivating awareness, we aim to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their overall health and well-being.

The first step in preventing HPV-related cancers is understanding the virus itself. HPV is a commonly transmitted infection that can affect both men and women. With over 100 different types, some strains are considered high-risk and are linked to the development of cervical cancer. By spreading knowledge about the virus, we hope to break down the stigma surrounding HPV and encourage open conversations.

Empowering Survivor Stories

Behind every statistic is a person, and at Cervivor, Inc., we believe in the power of survivor stories. Sharing experiences helps break down barriers, reduce stigma, and create a supportive community for those affected by HPV-related cancers. Survivor stories serve as a source of inspiration, proving that a diagnosis does not define an individual’s future.

Through our private social media group we provide a safe space for HPV-related cancer survivors to share their journeys, triumphs, and challenges. By amplifying these voices, we aim to empower others, offering hope and encouragement to those navigating their own HPV-related cancer experiences. Together with our community partners, we build a network that stands strong against the impact of cervical and other HPV-related cancers.

Routine Screenings and Vaccination: A Dual Strategy

Routine cervical cancer screenings and HPV vaccination are crucial components of the strategy to eliminate cervical cancer. Screenings, such as Pap and HPV tests, can detect abnormal changes and the status of an active infection in the cervix early on, allowing for timely intervention and preventing the progression of cancer. Cervivor, Inc. advocates for regular screenings as part of a comprehensive approach to cervical health as well as the elimination of the disparities in accessing these life-saving screenings and vaccinations. 

Additionally, HPV vaccination is a proactive measure to prevent infection with the high-risk strains of the virus. Vaccination not only protects individuals from certain types of HPV but also contributes to herd immunity, reducing the overall prevalence of the virus in the community. By promoting both routine screenings and vaccination, we take significant steps toward a future where cervical cancer is rare. Check out the most recent study results from Scotland showing that vaccination is working!

A Shoutout to Our Partners at IPVS

Cervivor, Inc. extends a heartfelt shoutout to our incredible partners at the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS). Their extensive campaign, involving organizations across the globe, has been instrumental in raising awareness and cultivating collaboration to end HPV-related cancers. We are working towards a world where no one has to face the devastating impact of an HPV-related cancer together.

On International HPV Awareness Day, Cervivor, Inc. reaffirms its commitment to educating, empowering, and advocating for those affected by HPV-related cancers. By embracing survivor stories, promoting education, and supporting routine screenings and vaccination, we strive towards the ultimate goal of eliminating cervical and other HPV-related cancers. We stand in solidarity with our partners at IPVS and the global community in the shared mission to make HPV-related cancers a thing of the past. Together, we can create a future where no one loses their life to a preventable disease.

Pioneering Moments in Cervical Cancer with Tamika Felder

Cervical cancer is a global health problem that disproportionately affects Black women. Statistics reveal that Black women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with and die from cervical cancer than White women. This disparity underscores the urgent need to address the systemic issues that contribute to unequal access to care and preventive screening that is necessary to eliminate cervical cancer.

In honor of Black History Month, we celebrate Cervivor Founder and Chief Visionary, Tamika Felder’s pioneering moments in cervical cancer awareness and advocacy. As a long-time cervical cancer survivor and internationally recognized patient advocate for cervical cancer prevention, Tamika has been a driving force in the fight against this disease. Her journey and advocacy have left an indelible mark on the cervical cancer community, inspiring change, health equity, access to care, and the creation of a community of patients and survivors sharing their lived experiences with others. 

Tamika’s tireless efforts have significantly contributed to the mission of ending cervical cancer once and for all. Founding Cervivor 19 years ago has not only brought survivors together but has also played a pivotal role in spreading awareness, providing education, and offering support to those impacted by this disease. Through her advocacy, she has amplified the voices of survivors and thrivers, ensuring that their stories are heard and their needs are addressed.

The recent Cervical Cancer Summit powered by Cervivor, where Tamika’s presence was felt, served as a testament to the impact of her advocacy. The summit brought together experts, researchers, healthcare professionals, family members, and patient advocate voices to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and strategies in the cervical cancer space. The discussions and initiatives that emerged from this event have the potential to shape the future of cervical cancer awareness and prevention.

Tamika’s advocacy has also been instrumental in addressing the disparities in cervical cancer education, treatment, and prevention among Black women. Her commitment to empowering individuals with knowledge and resources, promoting early detection, and reducing the burden of cervical cancer in Black communities won’t stop.

Tamika’s story is a part of cervical cancer history. Her advocacy has not only raised awareness but has also paved the way for a future where cervical cancer is eradicated. As we share our stories we stand in solidarity with Tamika and work towards this shared mission.

Her story, your story, and our stories matter. Together, we can make a difference and create a world free from cervical cancer as we know it.