The Living Life List

Today, we introduce the Living Life List– a powerful spin on the traditional bucket list. Inspired by the remarkable Erica Frazier Stum, our late Lead Cervivor Ambassador. This list is not about checking off experiences before a looming deadline, but about living a purposeful, meaningful, and passionate life. Period.

Erica, who lived with cancer from age 27 to 33, rejected the notion of a “bucket list.” Instead, she created a vibrant, active list of experiences she wanted to have and things she wanted to achieve in her lifetime. She embraced life with intention and joy, refusing to be defined by her cervical cancer diagnosis. Erica would have been celebrating her 39th birthday today.

This list is a testament to Erica’s spirit and a reminder that life is precious, valuable, and worth living to the fullest. It’s a call to action to:

  • Pursue your passions: Whether it’s writing, art, or advocacy, make time for what brings you joy and fulfillment.
  • Connect with others: Build meaningful relationships with loved ones, fellow advocates, and those who understand your journey.
  • Travel and explore: Discover new places, cultures, and experiences that broaden your perspective and nourish your soul.
  • Make a difference: Use your voice, share your story, and advocate for others impacted by cancer.
  • Practice self-care and self-love: Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Take a moment to reflect on what YOU want to achieve, experience, or add to your Living Life List:

  • What brings me joy and fulfillment?
  • How can I make a positive impact in the lives of others?
  • What experiences do I want to have in the next year, five years, or decade?
  • How can I prioritize my well-being and self-care?
  • What legacy do I want to leave for others?

In addition to living a fulfilling life, many patient advocates are driven to make a difference in the lives of others. Here are some questions to help you amplify your advocacy:

  • What specific issues or causes do I want to champion?
  • How can I share my story to inspire and educate others? 
  • What organizations or initiatives align with my values and goals? 
  • How can I mobilize others to join me in advocacy efforts?
  • What policy changes or legislative actions can I support to drive meaningful progress? 

The Living Life List is a celebration of life, hope, and resilience. It’s a reminder that every day is precious and that we all have the power to live with purpose and passion, just like Erica. We can expand the Living Life List to include our advocacy efforts and increase the impact we have every day. So, take the first step today – start your Living Life List and begin living the life you deserve.

Erica’s impact extends far beyond this blog post. To further celebrate and honor her life, explore the following resources:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Cervivor Mourns the Loss of Jessica Pettway to Cervical Cancer: Calls for Increased Advocacy

[Upper Marlboro, MD], March 22, 2024 – Cervivor, Inc., a leading advocacy organization dedicated to cervical cancer awareness, advocacy, and support, is deeply saddened by the passing of Jessica Pettway, a beloved beauty influencer, wife, and mother, who tragically lost her life to cervical cancer at the age of 36. Jessica’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of early detection and accurate diagnosis in the mission to eliminate this preventable disease.

Jessica’s journey underscores the urgent need for increased awareness, education, and advocacy surrounding cervical cancer. Despite her efforts to seek medical attention, Jessica was initially misdiagnosed, with doctors dismissing her symptoms as “just a fibroid.” This devastating misdiagnosis delayed crucial treatment and ultimately cost Jessica her life.

During this difficult time, Cervivor extends its deepest condolences to Jessica’s family, friends, and followers. We stand in solidarity with all those affected by cervical cancer and remain steadfast in our commitment to preventing any more insurmountable losses.

Cervical cancer is a highly preventable and treatable disease when detected early through routine screenings and HPV vaccinations. However, disparities in access to healthcare, misinformation, and stigma continue to pose significant barriers to timely diagnosis and treatment especially in communities of color.

As advocates for cervical cancer prevention and elimination, Cervivor urges individuals to prioritize their cervical health by:

  1. Advocating for themselves and their loved ones by seeking regular screenings and medical attention for any concerning symptoms.
  2. Educating themselves about cervical cancer risks, prevention strategies, and available resources.
  3. Engaging in open and honest conversations about cervical health with healthcare providers, family members, and peers.
  4. Supporting organizations like Cervivor in their mission to raise awareness, promote education, and advocate for policy changes to improve cervical cancer prevention and care.

Jessica’s legacy will endure as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to prioritize cervical health and ensure that no one suffers the same fate due to misinformation, misdiagnosis, or inadequate healthcare access.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact Morgan Newman, Community Engagement Liaison at [email protected].

About Cervivor:

Cervivor is a nonprofit organization dedicated to cervical cancer advocacy, education, and support. Founded by a now 22-year survivor, Tamika Felder, Cervivor is committed to empowering individuals affected by cervical cancer to become advocates for their health while working to eliminate the stigma surrounding the disease. For more information, visit
