The Living Life List

Today, we introduce the Living Life List– a powerful spin on the traditional bucket list. Inspired by the remarkable Erica Frazier Stum, our late Lead Cervivor Ambassador. This list is not about checking off experiences before a looming deadline, but about living a purposeful, meaningful, and passionate life. Period.

Erica, who lived with cancer from age 27 to 33, rejected the notion of a “bucket list.” Instead, she created a vibrant, active list of experiences she wanted to have and things she wanted to achieve in her lifetime. She embraced life with intention and joy, refusing to be defined by her cervical cancer diagnosis. Erica would have been celebrating her 39th birthday today.

This list is a testament to Erica’s spirit and a reminder that life is precious, valuable, and worth living to the fullest. It’s a call to action to:

  • Pursue your passions: Whether it’s writing, art, or advocacy, make time for what brings you joy and fulfillment.
  • Connect with others: Build meaningful relationships with loved ones, fellow advocates, and those who understand your journey.
  • Travel and explore: Discover new places, cultures, and experiences that broaden your perspective and nourish your soul.
  • Make a difference: Use your voice, share your story, and advocate for others impacted by cancer.
  • Practice self-care and self-love: Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Take a moment to reflect on what YOU want to achieve, experience, or add to your Living Life List:

  • What brings me joy and fulfillment?
  • How can I make a positive impact in the lives of others?
  • What experiences do I want to have in the next year, five years, or decade?
  • How can I prioritize my well-being and self-care?
  • What legacy do I want to leave for others?

In addition to living a fulfilling life, many patient advocates are driven to make a difference in the lives of others. Here are some questions to help you amplify your advocacy:

  • What specific issues or causes do I want to champion?
  • How can I share my story to inspire and educate others? 
  • What organizations or initiatives align with my values and goals? 
  • How can I mobilize others to join me in advocacy efforts?
  • What policy changes or legislative actions can I support to drive meaningful progress? 

The Living Life List is a celebration of life, hope, and resilience. It’s a reminder that every day is precious and that we all have the power to live with purpose and passion, just like Erica. We can expand the Living Life List to include our advocacy efforts and increase the impact we have every day. So, take the first step today – start your Living Life List and begin living the life you deserve.

Erica’s impact extends far beyond this blog post. To further celebrate and honor her life, explore the following resources:

Team Cervivor Attends ASCO 2024

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting is a premier event in the oncology community, gathering thousands of professionals from around the globe to discuss groundbreaking research, innovative treatments, and the future of cancer care. This year, Team Cervivor attended ASCO 2024, marking a significant milestone for our organization and highlighting the critical role of patient advocates in the fight against cancer.

What is ASCO?
ASCO, founded in 1964, is a leading professional organization for physicians and oncology professionals. Its mission is to conquer cancer through research, education, and the promotion of the highest quality patient care. The annual ASCO meeting is the largest of its kind, offering a platform for the latest scientific advancements, policy discussions, and networking opportunities. Attendees include oncologists, researchers, pharmaceutical representatives, and patient advocates, all united in their dedication to improving cancer care.

Our presence at ASCO 2024 was a testament to the growing recognition of the importance of patient voices in shaping cancer care and research. Here’s why our participation matters:

  1. Amplifying Patient Voices: As patient advocates, we bring the perspectives and experiences of those directly affected by cervical cancer. Our stories and insights are invaluable in guiding research priorities and improving patient care practices.
  2. Cultivating Collaboration: Attending ASCO allows us to collaborate with researchers, clinicians, and other advocacy groups. These interactions help us stay informed about the latest advancements and ensure that patient needs are at the forefront of scientific discussions.
  3. Promoting Awareness and Education: By engaging with the oncology community, we can spread awareness about cervical cancer, highlight the importance of prevention and early detection, and share our educational resources. Our presence at ASCO reinforces the message that cervical cancer is preventable and treatable when caught early.
  1. Influencing Policy and Research: Our participation at ASCO provides opportunities to advocate for policies that benefit cervical cancer patients and survivors. We can also contribute to shaping research agendas by emphasizing areas that require more attention, such as disparities in cancer care and the psychosocial impacts of the disease.

Team Cervivor Listed from Left to Right: Morgan Newman, MSW, Community Engagement Liaison; Tamika Felder, Founder & Chief Visionary; and Kimberly Williams, MHCM, Chief Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer

Highlights from ASCO 2024
ASCO 2024 was a whirlwind of inspiring sessions, groundbreaking research presentations, and meaningful interactions. Here are some highlights from our experience:

Networking Opportunities: We connected with oncologists, researchers, and fellow advocates, nurturing relationships that will strengthen our advocacy efforts. These connections are crucial for creating a supportive network dedicated to cervical cancer eradication.

Media and Outreach: We participated in interviews, highlighting the importance of patient advocacy and the work we do. These media opportunities allowed us to reach a broader audience and amplify our message.

We also had the honor of having our Founder and Chief Visionary, Tamika Felder, speak on a crucial panel titled, “Bridging the Gap in Cancer Care for Adolescents and Young Adults” hosted by The Atlantic. This enlightening session shed light on the challenges faced by the nearly 1.5 million adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer each year. Addressing issues such as work, health insurance, school, fertility, and emotional distress, the panel explored the unique cancer biology of this age group and the lack of survival improvements compared to other age demographics. Tamika, alongside other survivors, oncologists, and advocates, shared her journey and insights, emphasizing the importance of tailored care and pioneering local programs that support the distinct needs of young cancer patients. Her participation underscored Team Cervivor’s commitment to advocating for comprehensive and compassionate cancer care for all age groups.

Attending ASCO 2024 was more than just an opportunity to learn and network; it was a chance to reaffirm our commitment to the mission to end cervical cancer. We left the conference inspired and energized, ready to continue our mission with renewed vigor. Our presence at ASCO underscores the vital role of patient advocates in the oncology community, and we are proud to be a voice for cervical cancer patients and survivors worldwide.

As we move forward, we will leverage the knowledge and connections gained at ASCO to enhance our educational programs, support initiatives, and advocacy efforts. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by cervical cancer and work towards a future free of this preventable disease. Stay tuned for more updates from Team Cervivor and join us in our journey to eradicate cervical cancer. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can achieve a world without cervical cancer.