On National Nonprofit Day

Since 2017, National Nonprofit day has been recognized on the 17th day of August annually. This day is set aside to acknowledge nonprofit organizations and the impact they have made on the communities they serve. Here at Cervivor, we are reminded of the impact that nonprofits have on communities by making the world a better place. This day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the vital role that nonprofits play in addressing societal challenges, fostering empathy, and creating positive change. From local grassroots initiatives to international humanitarian efforts, nonprofits come in all shapes and sizes, yet they share a common purpose – to uplift, inspire, and provide aid where it’s needed most. 

Founder and Chief Visionary of Cervivor, Tamika Felder, created this nonprofit organization understanding the importance of cervical cancer education, empowerment, advocacy, and support. Originally founded as a small support group, it now spans across the globe spreading awareness, support, and advocacy for those that have been impacted by cervical cancer. As a global organization Cervivior continues to work diligently to ensure that no one feels alone in their fight. No matter where in the world you are, if you’ve been impacted by cervical cancer, Cervivor has a place for you, with a community that will support you throughout your journey. This organization understands the importance of “community” even when it is virtual, and continues to create opportunities for life long connections and bonds. 

Sophie shares how this organization has impacted her life as a Cervivor community member in the UK:

“Cervivor has helped me to not feel alone. I met my wonderful friend in this group and we have journeyed together for the last 2 years almost. I am from the UK and currently visiting her in Canada. Forever thankful for the beautiful friendship I’ve gained from this group. Cancer was nowhere near as lonely as it would have otherwise been.”

Additionally, the Comfort Care and Compassion Program was officially launched on this day two years ago with the help of Community Engagement Liaison, Morgan Newman and a committee of volunteers. The program was developed to support those impacted by cervical cancer at any stage of their journey. It served 121 individuals by the end of 2021.

Now, in the eighth month of 2023, it has served nearly 200 individuals with tote bags, support resources, words of encouragement, and more. Cervivor now offers the request form via the website allowing more patients, survivors, family members and friends, as well as care teams to request the right support for their loved ones.

Understanding the continuous need to expand our footprint, Kimberly Williams was added as the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer here at Cervivor. In this role, she is a key contributor in recommending, developing, implementing and managing Cervivor’s U.S. and global diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. This organization understands that diversity is a strength and when these differences are embraced it can encourage better results in our communities. 

As Cervivior continues its longstanding committment in diversity work with the addition of Kimberly’s role, Cervivor has developed four diverse private groups to provide a safe, relatable space for members to express how cervical cancer impacts their lives and their communities. The four private groups include: Cervivor Africa, for those that were born, raised, or reside in the continent of Africa; Cervivor API for those who identify as Asian or Pacific Islanders; Cervivor Caribbean, for those that were born, raised, or reside in the Caribbean islands, and Cervivor Noir, for those that identify as Black. Adding the aforementioned groups provides us with access to communities through education and trained patient advocates who can provide influence to ultimately end cervical cancer.

We could not work toward our mission to ultimately eradicate cervical cancer without your generous support. On this special day, we encourage you to join the movement and show your support for this nonprofit organization. Here are a few meaningful ways you can get involved:

  • Volunteer: Dedicate your time and skills to a cause you care about. Sign up here.
  • Donate: Every little bit counts. Consider making a financial contribution to Cervivor to help further our mission.
  • Spread Awareness: Use the power of your voice and social media to raise awareness about cervical cancer. Share stories, impact, and accomplishments to inspire others to get involved too!
  • Attend Events: We have plenty of amazing events coming up on the calendar. Check it out and register to join us!

As we celebrate National Nonprofit Day, let us express our deepest gratitude for being a part of this journey with us. Together, we can continue to uplift one another and drive positive change that ripples far beyond our immediate reach and one day, eliminate cervical cancer once and for all!

Our Scars

As cancer survivors and patients, we carry our scars, visible and invisible, with us forever. These scars hold pain and trauma but they are also reminders of how we do heal, how we move through our new world changed but still living our lives out loud.

Whether you wear your scars as badges of honor, gently acknowledge why they are here or chose not to give them the time of day, we commend your choice. You have been through too much to ever feel you need to conform to anything outside of your own comfort.

This post was inspired by community member Christy Chambers and her post, What A Beautiful Mess.

Tiera W – 6 Leeps. 6 biopsies. 1 oophoropexy. 36 rounds of radiation . 5 rounds of chemo. 6 brachytherapies. 3 PET-scan. 10 MRI’s. 2 Bone Scans. 40 Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments. Left Hydronephrosis. 120+ Pelvic Floor therapy sessions. 1 Bilateral Ureter reimplantation. I’m still here surviving and thriving.

Amanda Z – I’ve learned to accept all my scars as badges of bravery. Some are big and some are small – much like the battles I fought during each of them. But each one is a reminder that I prevail. I can and will win. And I’ll keep winning as long as I can. Yes, sometimes I wish I didn’t have them but beauty goes deeper than my scars and I truly try to remember that every day. With scars and a stoma, it’s important for me to remember my victories and use my scars to pull strength from everyday and live my life!

Tammy B – My Laporotomy scar is beginning to fade, but there’s no hiding it. I also have the scars and a lump in my chest from my port. Those things, along with the 50 pounds I’ve gained from the steroids, and my short newly grown hair regrowing since chemo, I don’t look anything like myself. I’m still learning to accept the new person in the mirror.

Dorrie K – When people ask me if I have any tattoos I tell them that I have FIVE but they can’t see them unless I wear the right bathing suit. I’m proud of my tiny black pinpoint sized radiation tattoos – they are my battle scars and remind me of the warrior I was 25 years ago!

Ana R – After 6 abdominal surgeries my stomach is a road map of scars. I wish that when I looked at them I felt strong for all that I have endured, but instead they are a reminder to me of all my body has been through and they make me sad. It took me a full year before I would let my husband touch my stomach after my third major surgery. I hope someday they will be a source of strength to me, but for now, they are just a reminder of the many things cancer has changed about my life.

Sara J – Leep/Cone 2019. Radical hysterectomy 2022. Chemo/Radiation 2022. Chemo 2023. I wasn’t sure how I felt about my large abdominal incision but after my radical open hysterectomy, it’s just one more step I took to help save my life. It shows strength, beauty, and courage.

Leesa J – My scar is my blessing and my nightmare all wrapped up in one. It’s one single scar that represents both birth and death: the birth of my one and only child and the death of any future pregnancies. A birth that saved my life because had I not gotten pregnant, my cancer would have been very advanced by the time it was found, and a death that took my uterus and my ability to grow another life inside of me ever again. I carry my scar proudly and even though it is a painful reminder of all that was lost, all I have to do is look at my son and see the beauty in it.

Rachel S – I am living the new normal being a survivor. I have scars that are visible. The invisible scar was having a cancer nobody could see.

Thank you so much to our community members who shared their reflections on what it means to survive cervical cancer everyday.

Our bodies have carried us through trauma and to the other side of grief. Invisible scars are just as painful as those that change the landscape of our bodies. Do what you need to do to live and thrive with them and despite them.

In case you need a reminder, you are beautiful. Inside and out. You are a Cervivor, inside and out.