A May To Remember

As May unfolds its vibrant colors and warmer days, it brings with it a variety of celebrations, honoring rich cultures and invaluable professions. It’s a month of recognition, reflection, and appreciation. In this blog post, we recognize the significance of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, culminating in the heartfelt acknowledgment of National Nurses Week and National Oncology Nurses Month.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May marks a special time to celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in the United States. It’s a time to honor the resilience, achievements, and rich heritage of these communities that have shaped the very fabric of American society. 

From the vibrant festivals and cuisines to the profound contributions in arts, science, technology, and beyond, the AAPI community has left a mark on every aspect of American life. It’s a moment to reflect on their journeys, triumphs, and ongoing struggles, cultivating understanding, respect, and unity.

Sharing cervical cancer stories among Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) is vital for creating an open dialogue that transcends generations. By sharing their experiences, AAPI individuals not only break the silence surrounding cervical cancer within their communities but also dismantle cultural taboos and stigmas associated with discussing health issues openly. 

Through storytelling, they can address unique challenges, such as language barriers, cultural beliefs, and access to healthcare, which may affect prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. By amplifying their voices, AAPI individuals empower others to prioritize their health, seek preventive care, and engage in informed discussions with healthcare providers. This open dialogue not only raises awareness but also paves the way for improved support networks, advocacy efforts, and healthcare policies tailored to the needs of AAPI communities, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes for future generations. 

National Nurses Week
Amidst the celebration of cultural diversity, May also holds a special place to honor those who epitomize compassion, care, and resilience – nurses. National Nurses Week, celebrated annually from May 6th to May 12th, pays tribute to the remarkable contributions of nurses to the healthcare sector and society at large.

Nurses are the heart and soul of healthcare, providing comfort, healing, and support to patients and families during their most vulnerable moments. Their dedication, sacrifice, and commitment often go unrecognized, yet their impact reverberates profoundly in the lives they touch. If you would like to honor your nurse this month, send us an email at [email protected] with a photo and/or a written shoutout.

National Oncology Nurses Month
In the same vein, May also shines a spotlight on a group of healthcare professionals who provide exceptional care to individuals enduring cancer. National Oncology Nurses Month recognizes the invaluable role of oncology nurses in delivering comprehensive, compassionate, and personalized care to cancer patients.

These dedicated professionals navigate the complex terrain of cancer treatment with grace, empathy, and expertise, offering not just medical support but also emotional and psychological solace to patients and their loved ones. Their tireless efforts and boundless compassion make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

As we traverse through May, let us embrace the spirit of celebration, gratitude, and solidarity. Let us honor the rich tapestry of Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage, celebrating diversity and cultivating a community rooted in inclusivity. Simultaneously, let us extend our deepest appreciation to the nurses – the unsung heroes of healthcare, whose selflessness and dedication inspire us all. Whether it’s through cultural appreciation or healthcare acknowledgment, May offers us all the opportunity to reflect on how diversity and dedication enrich our lives and communities.

How We Went from Pudding to Acceptance

Two years ago, my husband and I received the devastating news that I had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. At the time, the mere mention of the word “cancer” was enough to send us into a state of panic. To cope with the fear and uncertainty, we came up with a unique way of talking about my diagnosis: we referred to it as “a pudding.”

This simple act of renaming the disease allowed us to talk about it more openly, without being overwhelmed by fear. We could discuss my treatments, prognosis, and how we were feeling without feeling like the weight of the world was on our shoulders. I used this little cute pudding emoji when I texted someone about it, and encouraged some of my close friends to do the same. 

As the months went by, we faced numerous challenges and struggles, from painful treatments to emotional turmoil. But with the support of family, friends, and a dedicated medical team, we slowly but surely found the strength to keep fighting. Over time, our outlook on life changed as we learned to embrace each day and live in the moment.

Fast-forward two years, one of my friends texted me saying “how is your pudding?”, and this was when I realized that the word “pudding” is no longer a part of our vocabulary; we can now say “cancer” without fear or hesitation. My husband didn’t even remember the fact that we used to call it a pudding. This represents a major shift in our mindset and how we perceive the disease. We have learned to accept the reality of my diagnosis and move forward with it. We have come to understand that cancer is just a word, and it does not define who we are or what our future holds, although I also feel like cancer is now a big part of my life in both good and bad ways.

This journey has been incredibly difficult, but it has also taught us so much about ourselves and life. We have learned that it’s okay to be afraid, and it’s also important to face our fears and embrace the journey. By being open and honest about our experiences, we hope to inspire others who may be going through a similar situation and help them overcome their fears and pains.

In conclusion, our journey from “pudding” to acceptance has been a powerful reminder that we are strong, bonded and we get through difficulties together. By embracing the reality of my diagnosis and focusing on one thing at a time, we have found the strength and resilience to overcome the difficult situation and move forward with hope. I am currently facing issues with my body due to side effects from cancer treatments, and those sometimes make me feel like I am mentally not well, but one thing we know is I will feel better again. We will get through this. I am now much more confident and have more faith in myself.

Survivor & Caregiver

Looking back over the past two years, time and patience were the most important things in this process of moving forward. In my darkest moments, I turned to a support group of fellow cancer survivors, Cervivor, who provided me with comfort, encouragement, and a sense of community. I am amazed by the resilience of these individuals, who have gone through similar experiences and come out on the other side. Their stories gave us the courage to keep moving forward, even on our toughest days. This is why I am writing this blog post, hoping to give a ray of hope for anyone who is currently suffering. I will continue to tell my story as a way to inspire others and to remind you that you are not alone. 

Anna was born and raised in Japan and came to the U.S. in 2015. After she survived cervical cancer in 2021, she became a Cervivor School graduate in 2022. She is a business development professional working for a Japanese corporation. She currently lives in Washington state with her husband and their fur babies. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, cooking and watching shows & movies. She is passionate about fostering dogs to give them a second chance.